Thursday, September 24, 2009

Week of travel....

Sorry for the lack of posts - been a very busy week, and very little internet access!
I was in Kigali Sunday and Monday for a meeting on Climate Change and potential effects on Mountain Gorilla Conservation - it was a preliminary meeting, data gathering, etc. Gorilla health and biology data will be overlaid with climate data and analyzed - then a big conference will take place in February where recommendations will be made to local decision makers...
No internet in Kigali at my hotel.
Then Tuesday I interviewed 9 people for the position of Administrative Assistant. It was really, really hard to make a decision... I hired somebody who l hope will be good. We'll see!
Yesterday and today I was in Uganda for a big celebration - it is the "year of the gorilla", and a new group was habituated for tourists so it was a huge celebration, with local kids dancing and people from government giving speeches - I think I have some good pics I'll download and post later. No internet in Uganda hotel either.
On top of all that our local internet has been on the fritz.. hopefully to be fixed tomorrow...
So just a note to let you know I'm still alive and well! More soon...


  1. well yeah....gotta tell ya, when I don't see your posts I tend to wonder... Can't you just call Comcast about the internet? And I suppose there's no room service, high thread count sheets, or fluffy pillows in these hotels either? We are a spoiled lot stateside, aren't we?

  2. room service - yes, but you never know what will arrive...
    fluffy pillows, uh no.
    high thread count sheets, no.
    mosquito net - yes.
    power, not always.
    US spoiled - just a bit! But I have to admit I am looking forward to some creature comforts in October!!!!

  3. Missing you! I was cursing your name the other day cuz Porter must have gotten into a hornet's nest and was stung about a zillion times and was all bumpy and swollen and I wanted to call you and you weren't here!!!!!!!!!! But Nikki helped me get Benedryl on board and he survived and I quit using your name in vain. Don't mean to make you feel bad, just want you to know you are missed!!! Love you!!!!

  4. Jan,
    All I can say is that this must be a very trippy experience for you.
    It cetainly is for those of us who are following your blog.
