Friday, September 18, 2009


Ihumure died last night. Another necropsy today. He had trauma to the kidney and an intussusception of the bowel (one piece telescoped into another). It is good to get a diagnosis, and to know there was little we do, but so difficult to know that he suffered so. Again, that is all part of life, but to be so close to it does give pause.

We will bury him according to the protocol of a physical anthropologist who is studying the bones of Mountain Gorillas. He will be laid in this little box in a very specific way so that the bones will be in anatomically correct position when they are retrieved in about a year. The box will be filled with loose dirt, and he will be buried at a specific depth to maximize natural cleaning of the bones. His grave will be marked with rocks in the little graveyard at park headquarters and with GPS coordinates. All seems very matter of fact. But really, it seems fitting, and a way to honor Ihumure and his species. To learn as much as we can from his little body. To help us better understand Mountain Gorillas so that we can best protect them and their environment.

Immediately after we finished with this necropsy I took a family who is doing a story on MGVP to see the gorilla orphans in Kinigi. It was nice to see this group of healthy, content orphans, each of whom has a tragic story, displaying for our benefit, and for the sheer joy of displaying! Lifted my spirits. More about them later - I'm going out for a beer!


  1. I am holding you in the Light. That's a lot for a couple of days.

  2. Thinking of you and all you have had to deal with in the past couple of days. Take care of yourself, Jan.

  3. You are going thru some extraordinary times, Jan. But you are a strong and extraordinary woman and these experiences will make you even stronger. Hope you enjoyed your beer(s) and have been able to catch your breath. And as Tody said, hope you didn't bring any gin with you....xoxo

  4. What a tough last several days! I am thinking of you!

    Did the group do any grieving when Ihumure passed?

    Thanks again, Jan, for opening up for us and sharing these emotional experiences.

  5. Dear Dr. Jan,

    The past several weeks has been difficult, even for one like me who follows these gorillas from the United States. I had adopted the infant gorilla, Segasira, who was Ihumure's playmate. I have an empathetic connection with the mountain gorillas. Their struggles are my struggles.

    It was sad, but not unexpected to hear about the death of Titus. More sad to hear about Ihumure. I hope that Tuck will live out the rest of her life in peace. She is an old female.Thank you for your reports. You add details that are both helpful and healing.

    Thank you for the work you do caring for the gorillas. They really mean a lot to me.

    Best regards,

    Calvin Wulf
