Sunday, September 20, 2009

"Official" Blog!

The official blog is finally up and running! If you go to that blog there will be some familiar stories, but the gorilla content will be in more detail. At least that's my plan, and what our Director of on line fundraising wants. Also, and I PROMISE I won't do this often, if you feel like contributing to the cause, now is the time. Lucy raised ~$20,000 with her blog over 2 years, and my goal is to raise tell your friends and family...

Okay, that's over-with. I really, really promise I won't do any more fund-raising on this blog!!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! You and Jack Hanna on the same page...maybe now you can make a guest appearance on the David Letterman Show...that would've left your Dad speechless!!!:)xoxo
