Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The past week

The days fly by here. I have so many stories to tell, and not enough time!
Since January 1 I've been to DRC to check some chimps that might have to be confiscated, went to a gorilla group there where Eddy and I thought we might have to anesthetize a young gorilla who got popped in the face by something/someone, but she was better, visited 2 gorilla groups here in Rwanda, gave a talk to a group of tourists, reconciled the accounting, sent a bizillion MGVP emails, did an interview for a new conservation website, played with Ama, planted some flower seeds and watched a few episodes of Lost at night when I have no more energy....
But I promise I'll write more stories soon! EVERY DAY is a crazy new day here. It hasn't gotten old yet for me.

Bob is coming for a visit in 2 weeks - can't wait!


  1. Glad to hear you are still enjoying it! Sorry I have been unable to really talk when you have called. We are finally back in Indy and trying to get back to our routine. VERY cold here and lots of snow coming down today. Kids wanted a snow day, but no luck... had to drive them to school in 4 Wheel Drive! Kiss Ama for us. Diane is really excited about the newest "African" member of our animal family. She is more excited about news of Ama than the news of the gorillas!! :-) Love you!!!

  2. Should I bring my own clubs, or can I rent some from the pro shop?

  3. Hey Bob...duh, of course you bring your's been my experience that you never really can count on a pro shop to have exactly what you it should be a piece of cake traveling with your own clubs.

  4. Hi Jan,
    Just wanted to tell you I spoke to Bob last fall when he called LLBean to cancel your catalog(I work at one of the call centers in Customer Service), saying you were out of the country for two years and wouldn't need it. I asked where you were and he told me Africa, told me all about how you were a vet for the zoo, how working with the gorillas was your dream, and how to find your blog! I have been following you ever since! When you posted your picutres of Christmas at home it was fun for me to see him and your family. Tell him thanks again for telling me about your blog. I have always wanted to go to Africa, and maybe someday I can too!
    Jayne Kravis from Harmony, Maine
