Thank you Bob!!! Tuna, cream of wheat and beany babies!!!
Thank you Tom Robison, my favorite youngest uncle!!!! Fruit Loops, GREAT trail mixes and Pop Tarts!!!
It was a very nice surprise after a morning of doing a necropsy on a VERY dead Silverback gorilla. He was a lone silverback who was attached by a large group, and died probably 5 days ago. ugh.
Sooo THANK YOU!!! It is sooo nice to have comfort food, and reminders of home.
PS - Tomorrow to Rumangabo in Congo for a meeting. Thursday I get to go to gorillas again and Sara, Aaron and Scott arrive Friday - Yay!
PSS - here's proof that I met Don Cheadle

Wish I could have been best to the whole DFGFI and MGVP teams. Right now I'm enjoying the beautiful southwest "red rock" country around Zion and Bryce NPs on bicycle. Think of you guys a lot. Best of luck on the transfer of the "Kinigi six" to Kasugho (from "CongoBob")...