Last week Julie Ghrist, who runs the Art of Conservation NGO I wrote about a while back, returned from a vacation in Egypt with her mom. She had a get together at her house celebrating Egypt - she had Egyption clothes for us all to wear - don't we look great! The dresses are called Galabia. That's John in the nice white Galabia, Julie next to me, Magda and little Kasha, along with Julie's 3 dogs. Molly took this one.
Here's one with Molly too. She's the journalist that went with us to DRC and wrote a guest blog entry on www.gorilladoctors.org last week. (By the way, there is now a new blog posted every Wednesday on the gorilladoctors website - which is why this blog has been a little lacking recently!)
We had a blast! I love our little Muzungu community.
Reminds me of the toga parties we had at Purdue...