We have 3 dogs here at the MGVP compound - Chewy, Foxy and Danny.

This is Chewy - he's one of the front yard dogs and is Foxy's brother. He's my buddy now - especially when it is thundering. He's a GREAT guard dog - much barking and snarling, and he's been known to bite... but he's afraid of the thunder and snuggles under my desk when it storms. Apparently he and Foxy were dropped off (dumped is more like it) 5-6 years ago, and adopted by the staff at that time. Chewy loves avocados and there is a huge avocado tree in the yard - you can tell by his girth! Chewy and Danny live in the front yard because Chewy and his brother Foxy fight all the time (good thing they live with veterinarians!).

Danny was brought to MGVP as a tiny puppy. He couldn't walk. The folks here at the time suspect he was stepped on or kicked and his back was broken. He is a total sweety-pie! We have a cart for him that he motors around on 3 times/day and he gets around just fine! I haven't gotten a good picture of him in the cart because every time I go out to see them he runs right over to me and all I can photograph is his face at very close range! This is Danny and Chewy's hang out - quite comfortable! The guards are responsible for feeding them and putting Danny in the cart - and it is obvious they care a great deal for the dogs.

Foxy lives in the backyard and he is so sweet, but very, very shy. He's also my buddy now - I let him in the livingroom at night and give him treats now and then. Well, I give them all treats now and then... He loves to play, but just won't bring the ball back! He's the one I go to when I need a break from my office work or am feeling stressed about something - always a calming influence!
So these are my guys here in Ruhengeri!
And here is somebody I met this week in the forest....

Yay Mountain Gorillas!!!!
Good thing "Mr. Somebody I met this week in the forest", doesn't hang out in your yard too. You'd probably invite him in your living room for treats as well...do you think he would like my famous wasabi peas and nuts mix? xoxo
ReplyDeleteGreat pics... love the dogs!!!! You didn't mention you had dogs when we Skyped this a.m.! The Gorilla is cool, too. Danny and his cart make me smile. I had a Psych Prof at Purdue that had a dog that got around in a cart, or the man would sling a beach towel under his hips and walk holding the towel at arms length which allowed the dog to walk on his front legs. Great to talk/see you this a.m.! Sounds like you are doing really well. I am happy for you. Love you.
ReplyDeleteThe gorillas, the dogs, the first trip up the mountain, all the stories and photos .... I am enjoying each story... and thinking of you every day.
ReplyDeleteStay safe. Luv ya, Tody
Does 'Mr. Somebody' have a brother? I could use a large strapping gorilla type!
ReplyDeleteDanny looks like our Molly -- same gentle, sweet face. I'm glad you've got some canine energy in your life. I was having a hard time imagining you without Fred.