Sunday, March 28, 2010

my new house

It is the rainy season now for sure - everything is green, rivers are running like crazy, waterfalls are falling (I took Bob to see a waterfall that had no water in January...), and well, it rains a lot! Every day, at least for a while. My tomatoes and peppers are finally coming up. Ama and Chewy dug up my cucumbers and I've replanted. Raddishes got squashed by a VERY hard rain, but they are trying to come back up, and I've been transplanting flowers as my stress relief program!

I also moved into a little house that is on the MGVP compound property. I am now the proud occupant of a 3 room house! I have my own bathroom and kitchen, and a second bedroom I can use for guests (that's where Donna stayed when she visited earlier this month!) and where Sara and Aaron will stay when they come for a visit in June!!

Ama is 6 months old now - Mike spayed her this week, and she came through with flying colors. She weighs about 35 pounds, and I don't think she'll get much bigger. She is full of energy, and loves to play, and keeps me sane, if that is possible!!

Maybe she is a little spoiled....

Here are some pictures of the new place.

That's a convent on the other side of the fence. The chief of police lives on the other side of our compound - I feel very safe!!


  1. Love the new digs! Ama is a cutie-pie...35 lbs?!?!! Rio weighs 99lbs!! Yikes! Always good to hear from you...stay dry :) xoxo

  2. Ama is so big now and adorable! I am envious you can garden year round. What a cute house--looks very cozy. love, mj
