Thursday, November 19, 2009

Busy times!

It has been sooooo busy since I got back last week! Mike is here, along with a visiting pathologist from Toronto Zoo. The technician from Maryland Zoo arrived yesterday and is doing some great teaching to our lab folks. There have been meetings and meetings about BBC, mask use in the face of H1N1. The monkey with the broken arm is now back in her big enclosure and doing well! It is the rainy season and it is RAINING!!! And I feel like I haven't had time to catch my breath!
So this will be a very short post!

There is a new post on so be sure to check that out.

I am out of "quarantine" on Monday and can't wait to get back into the mountains to see the gorillas again!


  1. Always good to hear from you...we all know you are busy...soon you will be back in the rhythm of things...hang in there!xoxo

  2. I'm on Aaron's monster computer at the isle. No computer at home now. Finally checkin' out the blog. Sweet. Sorry to miss talking to you again before you left the states. Sounds like you had a great time...GOOD!!!

  3. Jan-Good for you!! You sound great. It was wonderful to see all those photos from home as well. I just love that cake. Everyday I think of you. Thanks for being such a positive force for change. Bruce, Cory and I are working down in Daytona Beach. Last week we went to the Keys and within 48 hours we saw a 4 cool species: key deer, key rat, manatee, and iguana. Sunday nite we will travel home with snow in our near future. We are not really sure of what we may do next. I might try a temporary job until business picks up next year. Take care.
    Love, Mary Jane and Bruce

  4. When you have two homes there's always a familar place to escape to... also always a place to be homesick for! I loved seeing Bob! AND that cake! Now Bob can think of you every time he opens the freezer! Can't wait til you get back to the gorillas, it's my favorite armchair travel. Much love from Mexico! Cyndie
