I also had a great time with all of the Newells at a gathering at our house - Veronica and Daniel are growing up so fast!

It was so wonderful to spend time with Bob, Sara, Taylor, Aaron and Sydney, and a great dinner out with Peg - Bob's mom. My cousin Kris also took the time to drive to Indy meet for lunch - we had a wonderful time. And of course cuddle time with Fred (he was a total wiggle butt - I miss him so), Dave and Misty too...I squeezed a lot of love and visiting into that week!

I had a great time at the zoo too, gave a talk or two, and just hung out at the hospital. It felt comfortable and familiar, and I loved seeing everyone!!!
I also was determined to squeeze in a massage - my aching back really wanted a good massage, so I made an appointment, and at 9am sharp I showed up at Massage Envy, only to find out they had NOT booked my appointment! I argued, pleaded, whined and got angry, to no avail. There was no appointment. Did I DREAM I made the appointment? Have I really lost my mind????? I was crushed. The only other time they had available was when I was not available.... No massage for me.
BUT THEN.... on my way home from the zoo, I passed a place called Dove Spa. I was drawn like a moth to a flame - I back massage might really be possible! I zipped into the parking lot and walked into the typically low light and mellow room, but nobody was around. Maybe they are all giving massages, I thought.
"HELLOOOOO?" I said softly. I was determined. Two Chinese women came hurrying to the check in window - I was so relieved - I was going to get that knot worked out of my back for sure!
The older woman said "You want furr body, backie or footie???".
"Uh, pardon me?" I said back, a little confused. I though they would take my name and make me fill out a full medical history...
"Furr body, backie or footie?"
"Well, uh, backie I guess."
"Ok, you go in room 1 take clothes off"
"Um, do you want my name?"
By this time a man walked in and welcomed me to Dove Spa. I thanked him and asked who would do my massage.
"The girls. Go to room 1 and take clothes off"
HMMM, I thought. But I REALLY needed a massage. I went to room 1 and took my clothes off. The younger woman came in and turned on some nice massage music and started in on my back. I said "you can push a little harder if you want" and she said "English no good", so I just relaxed and hoped for the best.
IT WAS ONE OF THE BEST MASSAGES I'VE EVER HAD!!!! She worked out the knot I'd had in my right shoulder for the past 6 months. I felt like a million bucks. Backie indeed. I'll go backie next time I'm home!!
Bob, Taylor and Sydney dropped me off at the airport. It was hard to leave in some ways, but I am so looking forward to Bob and Taylor's visit over Christmas! We'll trek gorillas on Christmas day, then visit several parks in Uganda. Can't wait!!!
I landed in Kigali and felt at home and familiar there too. After the 2 hour ride back to Ruhengeri it was great to see Leon's smiling face, and hear Faustin's wonderful laugh, and AMA!!!! She was soooo happy to see me!
When I got back to Ruhengeri I was surprised with a new MGVP retreat - a little bungalo behind my house where I can work, hide, and well, maybe drink some wine with my friends!