I have also learned other important lessons over the past 8 months:
- It is better to fall down than to grab one of the nasty nettles to keep your balance.
- It helps when you are going down a steep hill to pull over a bush and step on that, digging in your heels so that the branches catch you (that's what the gorillas do too).
- When following the tracker through thick vegetation, stay well back so that the machette does not hit you in the head (yesterday one of the leafy branches he cut landed on my head!).
- Test the vines before you count on them to hold your weight.
- Don't lean forward when walking downhill.
- Don't worry about it when you hear a lot of Kinyarwanda words, then your name, then more Kinyarwand words (I just smile as if I understand and keep walking).
Here are some of the images from my visit with Hirwa yesterday morning. At one point we were on a VERY steep slope, and Munyinya, the silverback, needed to pass us. I really wanted to follow the 7 meter distance rule that MGVP set, but the tracker and I had nowhere to go! The only way for us to get out of the way was to sit down as far to the side of the small trail as we could. Munyinya calmly walked within inches of us. I so wanted to let my hand fall across his shoulders and back. I drank in the moment - his powerful smell, calm but confident walk, the one glance in my direction. Absolutely amazing.
Munyinya in the bamboo just before it started to rain.